obsession beats talent is a phrase, most of us might have heard. my understanding of addiction of a habit is that its you are mentaly bound by chains of steal to perform that activity, and any deviation from doing that thing will hurt u. its like if u r addicted to a game, and lets say u and ur freinds are planning to watch a movie, you will alwyas have the urge to prioritize the game than any such social activites. i think the fun pours in when u choose the be obsessive about something. its like a free will to be captivated by something. consious addiction like these, which aim to prep a secure future for u, like maybe studying, reseraching about something, or practising a sport isnt a bad habit as per me. one cant really get to the top of the league merely by making a to do list. a fiery spirit is essential. addictions which satifiy leasure, which your conscince screams to you that u shudnt do it, is bad. bad for u. lovely article, i still have a lot to think about this. would love a topic
Believing and investing in the endpoint I think is a helpful and true statement. But where does this belief and motivation come from? It requires a healthy set-point that needs to be accessible. Set-points exist as part of the homeostasis feedback system. They are buried in subconscious structures. Access to them can become damaged, this could be referred to as internal wiring gone wrong leading to addiction. It seems a bit problematic to wait for an addict to hit bottom and turn things around. Many won’t survive or their lives are often already ruined affecting many other lives in harmful ways. Their is a better way: How to repair conscious and subconscious access to a set-point, this is best found in my paper: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/384247124_Homeostasis_-_Resiliance_and_Susceptibility
I think it depends on how we define addiction. It’s a loaded word, and it seems to have taken on meanings that aren’t helpful. There used to be talk about different kinds of addiction: emotional, physical. I’d like to hear what a neuroscientist who studies addiction has to say about this. For a true addict, I believe, the idea of choice and control are not helpful. My own physician told me that addicts use substances they no longer need. These substances initially served a purpose, ie pain control. With addiction, one’s wiring gets hijacked. Habits are within our power to alter, or change., addiction needs help, and the damage cannot always be undone. My house used to be something of a bomb-site, too, but then, I retired. Now, I don’t panic when guests show up. I gave time…
Now i have understood why my smoke addicted friend never follows my advice and the way he thinks.
About AI , I feel it is another stage in human evolution we will be having artificial super intelligent brain along side with our natural brain. We will see exponential growth in technology and medical fields. Hope we will become homodeus from homo sapiens with in a decade.
Don't worry, be happy. Treat others as you would like to be treated. Go where the weather suits your clothes. Vote with your feet. (my favorite Reagan quote). I could go on, but you get the message. Everything works if you just let it. ( a song from the 70's).
obsession beats talent is a phrase, most of us might have heard. my understanding of addiction of a habit is that its you are mentaly bound by chains of steal to perform that activity, and any deviation from doing that thing will hurt u. its like if u r addicted to a game, and lets say u and ur freinds are planning to watch a movie, you will alwyas have the urge to prioritize the game than any such social activites. i think the fun pours in when u choose the be obsessive about something. its like a free will to be captivated by something. consious addiction like these, which aim to prep a secure future for u, like maybe studying, reseraching about something, or practising a sport isnt a bad habit as per me. one cant really get to the top of the league merely by making a to do list. a fiery spirit is essential. addictions which satifiy leasure, which your conscince screams to you that u shudnt do it, is bad. bad for u. lovely article, i still have a lot to think about this. would love a topic
"will as a finite currency"
Believing and investing in the endpoint I think is a helpful and true statement. But where does this belief and motivation come from? It requires a healthy set-point that needs to be accessible. Set-points exist as part of the homeostasis feedback system. They are buried in subconscious structures. Access to them can become damaged, this could be referred to as internal wiring gone wrong leading to addiction. It seems a bit problematic to wait for an addict to hit bottom and turn things around. Many won’t survive or their lives are often already ruined affecting many other lives in harmful ways. Their is a better way: How to repair conscious and subconscious access to a set-point, this is best found in my paper: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/384247124_Homeostasis_-_Resiliance_and_Susceptibility
I think it depends on how we define addiction. It’s a loaded word, and it seems to have taken on meanings that aren’t helpful. There used to be talk about different kinds of addiction: emotional, physical. I’d like to hear what a neuroscientist who studies addiction has to say about this. For a true addict, I believe, the idea of choice and control are not helpful. My own physician told me that addicts use substances they no longer need. These substances initially served a purpose, ie pain control. With addiction, one’s wiring gets hijacked. Habits are within our power to alter, or change., addiction needs help, and the damage cannot always be undone. My house used to be something of a bomb-site, too, but then, I retired. Now, I don’t panic when guests show up. I gave time…
Now i have understood why my smoke addicted friend never follows my advice and the way he thinks.
About AI , I feel it is another stage in human evolution we will be having artificial super intelligent brain along side with our natural brain. We will see exponential growth in technology and medical fields. Hope we will become homodeus from homo sapiens with in a decade.
Don't worry, be happy. Treat others as you would like to be treated. Go where the weather suits your clothes. Vote with your feet. (my favorite Reagan quote). I could go on, but you get the message. Everything works if you just let it. ( a song from the 70's).